I keep seeing the quality of CONSISTENCY coming up everywhere I look. Everyone is looking for it, everyone desires it; and tomorrow's most successful people are striving to demonstrate it. Consistency is incredibly important. Without it, all of the qualities I've written about prior to this become irrelevant. What is consistency? Consistency is more than SHOWING UP, it's showing up as the same person that you are known to be. What is interesting about consistency, is that people with poor behavior or attitude, usually are sporadic and simply stop showing up. So, consistency becomes the exercise of righting your own mindset and showing up with the attitudes that made you and those around you successful. Consistency is the mental muscle necessary to build a reputation for yourself, and to build confidence not just in yourself, but in those around you. Consistency takes all the inconsistent or uncontrollable variables from the "outside" and like a knife through butter, it cuts through them all, and shows up in the form needed to prepare and win. Consistency is our best tool for dealing with all the distractions that try to pull us away from success. I believe determination comes out from consistency, because determination can only be realized through the observation of consistency. This is so because consistency was born out of necessity. A determined attitude is formed from the recognition of basic consistencies, such as the sunset or sunrise. And not to go any further down this rabbit hole, but to understand the origin of trust their must be, again, the recognition of consistency. How can trust form without an observable pattern of consistency? Some of the most important qualities of success lie on top the foundation of consistency. In summary, consistency fights through inconvenience, discomfort, and volatility to show up as the same person that your team, your colleagues, your friends and family know you to be.