Healthy Halloween Treats at Juicekeys
Halloween is certainly a kid-centered holiday, but don’t worry, parents—we haven’t forgotten about you! You’ll definitely need some healthy fuel to get through an evening of wrangling your kids into costumes and running after them while they trick-or-treat! Here are our recommendations:
- Start your day off with a dose of green! Our Cold-Pressed Apple Bottom Greens juice is great source of immune-boosting, energy-packed antioxidants, including kale, apple, and ginger.
- For lunch or dinner, nosh on our house made organic Chicken Salad. This is a protein-packed meal that uses a mayo made with MCT oil and pasture raised eggs, blended with an array of vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, and red pepper.
- Finally, to stave off your cravings for Milky Ways and Butterfingers, treat yourself to a Chocolate Chia Pudding. This blend of almond milk, cashew, and chia—along with fresh fruit—will fill you up AND satisfy your sweet tooth.
We’re closed on Halloween day (which falls on a Sunday this year), so pop into our shop on Friday, October 29th or Saturday, October 30th to grab any of the great snacks & juices listed above. All of them will save beautifully in your fridge or freezer until Halloween day.
Whether your kids costumes are spooky, silly, or somewhere inbetween, we hope that they head into their Halloween festivities feeling fueled up and ready for fun! Happy Halloween, Juicekeys family!
Here’s to your health!