Hustle. Moving with a purpose is the name of the game. In those times when you don't really understand what you need to do, moving with decisiveness and candor is the right answer. Just like care and consistency, the quality of hustle gets you noticed. Your sense of urgency is the level at which you hustle. If your sense of urgency is low, your hustle will be minimal; but if urgency is high you will move with directness, purpose, and speed. If you are new on the job or joined a team for the first time and unsure of what to do, but you have a sense of urgency about yourself, your odds of success greatly increase. People associate hustle with care, and in many cases it's the primary form by which you demonstrate to someone that you care about them. The good news about hustle is that it can be taught. I'm a firm believer that a lightbulb moment, triggered by either incentive or maturity, eventually goes off in the mind of the high performer where they realize the ONLY path forward to accomplishing their dreams is the one filled with hustle. Hustle is also the quickest way to gain the respect and admiration of your colleagues, coaches, teachers, and teammates. Not all systems are effective or efficient, and hustle is the backstop that allows an organization to be successful despite gaps in systems or protocols. Good organizations attend to and fix broken systems, but it is the attribute of hustle within a team that gives the company or team the time to find and build solutions. If you hustle every day, you build the muscle of repetition, and it becomes part of how you view your own skillset, as well as, how others measure your output. Hustle is a requirement to be the ultimate team player and necessary to motivate others to do their best work. Hustle can be the insulation that allows bad days to cause only a bend but not a break within your team or organization, it's part of the formula that holds winning organizations together for the long haul.