Kelly's Kreations: Curly Sweet Potato Fries
FREE of gluten, dairy, soy, trans fat, GMO's and refined sugar!
Sweet Potato Fries
- 1 large organic sweet potato
- 2 tbsp extra virgin coconut oil
- 1/2 tbsp minced fresh rosemary
- 1 tsp Flavorgod Himalayan Salt & Pink Peppercorn (or regular Himalayan Salt will work too)
- Unsweetened Ketchup (optional)
- 1 Mashed Avocado seasoned with flavorgod seasoning garlic everything and black pepper (optional)
- Pre-heat Oven 400° F
- Cut the ends off the sweet potato, so you have a flat surface to place on the veggie spiral slice
- Spiralize Sweet Potato (and just let it fall onto pan to save clean up time)
- Heat up coconut oil, fresh rosemary, and Himalayan Salt & Pink Peppercorn (use oven safe bowl, only takes ~ 30 seconds to 1 minutes)
- Pour the above mixture over the spiralized sweet potatoes and mix well with your hands making sure the coconut oil mix gets ALL the sweet potatoes
- Place in oven and Bake ~ 22 minutes or until golden brown
- Serve with unsweetened ketchup and mashed avocado (optional)
- Paderno Vegetable Spiral Slicer
Fitting to Vegan, Paleo, Whole 30, and Clean Eating Lifestyles!